Do you know that every year around 14 million tons of plastic are released into our oceans? And that more than 2100 marine species come into contact with it, putting their ecosystem in serious danger?

Even if the sea is an opportunity to vent and break away from the city routine, every wave rider knows the importance of maintaining responsible behavior when holding his board. In recent years, attention towards this topic has fortunately grown, stimulating the commitment of an ever-increasing number of people.

There are many initiatives that are implemented to clean the beaches from the dirt that man leaves on the seafront in which anyone can participate. Even just one day spent protecting the environment can improve the survival conditions of all living beings who lend their spaces to give us moments of leisure and adrenaline.

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Every year Legambiente organizes the "Clean beaches and seabed" initiative, a tour of various Italian beaches for the collection of waste left in the sand. In 2022, 53 beaches were cleaned in 13 Italian regions and more than 70 events were organized to raise awareness of the topic. In addition to requesting citizens' attention towards responsible behavior in the marine territory, Legambiente also requests urgent measures from the institutions for the reduction and correct disposal of waste. This year the Beach Litter survey was also encouraged, a citizen science action aimed at collecting precise data on the conditions of Italian beaches. It emerged that approximately 84% of the materials found on our coasts are made up of plastic, the most dangerous for marine ecosystems.


One of the longest-running initiatives is Il Mare d'Inverno, this year in its XXXI edition. With the patronage of the European Union and the Ministry of Ecological Transition, the volunteers undertake to clean the coasts of the Riviera d'Ulisse, a Natural Park located in Lazio, between Capo d'Anzio and the mouth of the Garigliano river, approximately 130 km long of length. The event aims to keep the ribs clean 12 months a year, without focusing attention on the topic only in the summer months, when they are busier. At the end of the waste collection, the volunteers dispose of it properly in the appropriate landfills, carrying out the correct differentiation.


Every year on 17 September, World Cleanup Day is celebrated, the largest civic action to clean the coasts in the world: 191 countries are involved, including Italy, where the environmental association Let's do it! coordinates the initiative. - Italy. The objective of this initiative is to involve at least 5% of the population in beach cleaning activities, but not only that: the commitment is also aimed at woods, squares and parks. In 2021, around 8.6 million volunteers were involved worldwide, of which 450 thousand in Italy. An action that we hope can grow and be repeated several times throughout the year.


The commitment to cleaning our seas is of fundamental importance and it is fortunate that there are initiatives that strive to improve the environmental conditions of the coasts. However, we must not forget that respectful and sustainable behaviors can be applied on a daily basis without necessarily having to participate in city initiatives. Everyone can implement simple gestures of concern for the eco-sustainability of our planet: you don't need much, just the right amount of attention.

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